The best way to protect your family from secondhand and thirdhand smoke is to quit smoking or vaping. You can protect your family by making your home and car smoke-free and only smoking outside. A smoke-free home rule can also help motivate and sustain a successful quit attempt.
The smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarette or smoking device and the smoke breathed out by smokers contains 1,000s of chemicals, some known to cause cancer. These dangerous substances, and those found in vape emissions, can be inhaled by others or cling to objects in the room, exposing anyone nearby. There is no safe level of secondhand or thirdhand exposure and no ventilation system that can eliminate the dangers caused by smoke. This means you could be putting your children, family, friends and pets at risk.
Types of Exposure
Firsthand Smoke
The smoke or vape emissions inhaled by a person who smokes.
Secondhand Smoke
Exhaled smoke and vape emissions or other substances that come from the end of a burning cigarette or escape from an electronic device that is inhaled by others.
Thirdhand Smoke
Residue and gases left on furniture, clothes, walls in a room or car after someone smokes or vapes.
Pledge to Keep Your
Home Smoke-Free!
Get a FREE smoke-free pledge kit when you sign up to make your home smoke-free. Protect your friends and loved ones from the health risks of cigarette smoke and vape emissions today. (Vermont Residents Only)
Resources & Tools for Smoke-Free
Multi-Unit Housing
If you live, own, manage or work in a multi-unit building, there are steps you can take to help establish, encourage and enforce a smoke-free policy. Download our free toolkit to get started.