American Indian
Traditionally, sacred tobacco plays an important role in many American Indian Tribes and can bring healing. However, a great many Indigenous people become addicted to commercial tobacco. Nationally, the death rate among American Indians due to tobacco is double that of other groups.
The American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program (AICTP) addresses an Indigenous and underserved population in our state. When you refer an American Indian patient to the 802Quits AICTP, they will benefit from a free, first-of-its-kind dedicated coaching program with native coaches providing a culturally sensitive protocol. Phone or Web-phone protocols are offered. This includes:
- 10 coaching calls with dedicated American Indian coaches
- 7 reset attempts for enrolled participants (reset the program in the event of relapse)
- 3 reset attempts for referrals
- NRT: their choice of patch, gum or lozenge for up to 8 weeks
The Story of Corn Mother
- This dedicated toll-free number connects directly to AICTP coaches.
- 3 coaches take inbound calls for the AICTP Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 9 p.m. EST.
- Online enrollment available
- Additional cessation resources available, including educational materials, quit planning and quit progress tracking.
To learn more about the roles of traditional tobacco and other traditional medicines and ways of living, as well as reducing commercial tobacco-related illnesses and cancer disparities among American Indian populations, visit Keep It Sacred: National Native Network.
Request free materials for your office.