Support Your Conversations with Cessation Resources
Patients who work with a health care provider are better prepared to make a quit attempt.
Use these materials to start conversations, motivate your patients and make interactions about quitting easier.
New Vermont Quit Guide
This free 44-page guide will help your patients step-by-step to know their triggers, be ready for challenges, line up support, decide on medications and stay quit. Order for your Vermont practice at or download the 802Quits Quit Guide (PDF).
Cessation Resource Toolkit for Providers
Download materials and resources compiled from across this site, including talking points, patient materials, guides, presentations and forms related to engaging patients for tobacco cessation counseling, referring to 802Quits, Vermont Cessation programs, quit medication and youth vaping. Download Toolkit
Patient Not Ready to Quit
If your patient doesn’t appear “ready,” you can help motivate them to consider quitting just by asking. Use these talking points (PDF) developed by Vermont providers.
Patient Has Tried to Quit Many Times
If your patient has tried to quit many times without success, you can help motivate them to consider quitting just by asking. Use these talking points (PDF) developed by Vermont providers.
Smoking’s Effects on the Body
- Tobacco use in smoking and vaping has a negative impact on lung health.
- Smoking is detrimental to the immune system and its responsiveness to infections.
- Smokers are twice more likely than non-smokers to contract influenza and to have more severe symptoms.
- Current research states “smoking is most likely associated with the negative progression and adverse outcomes of COVID-19.”
Available Cessation Pathways
Download a PDF handout of this chart for patients to learn more about free quit medications.
Helpful Videos for Providers
Created for and by medical professionals, Quit Clips developed by Pfizer are short, engaging smoking cessation “explainer” videos. Videos address misconceptions of quitting, neurobiology of the addiction, recommendations for talking to patients and more. References, resources and explanations for clinicians accompany each video.
Supporting Youth Who are Addicted to Nicotine
Set your young patients straight with these facts about vaping:
- Youth Vaping: Talking With Your Young Patients
- Download the Hooked on Nicotine Checklist (HONC) for cigarettes (PDF) or vaping (PDF)
- See current recommended actions for pediatricians from the American Academy of Pediatrics: Clinical Practice Policy to Protect Children From Tobacco, Nicotine, and Tobacco Smoke
Special Conditions
Behavioral/Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder
- Key stats about tobacco and mental health (PDF)
- Smoking cessation and substance abuse treatment (PDF)
- Key questions and answers about cessation and mental illness and a summary of what Vermont is doing (PDF)
Oral Health
Alzheimer’s and Brain Health
Local Leaders on Tobacco Cessation
Watch videos of Vermont providers discussing providers’ roles in tobacco cessation.
Dr. Walter Gundel, Cardiologist
Dr. Walter Gundel highlights that a simple patient referral to can be done in less than a minute.
Dr. Harry Chen, Commissioner Vermont Department of Health & Emergency Physician
Dr. Harry Chen reminds physicians of the powerful role they play when they refer patients to
Dr. Jaskanwar Batra, Psychiatrist & Medical Director, Vermont Department of Mental Health
Dr. Jaskanwar Batra speaks about the abnormally high incidence of smoking related illnesses compared to complications from mental health.
Refer Your Patient
If your patient is ready to get started, you can:
Or, you can send a referral electronically during the appointment.