Refer Special Populations
We know that a one-size-fits-all approach to tobacco cessation doesn’t work for disparate populations.
As the diversity of our state changes in conjunction with the tobacco industry’s continued marketing to more vulnerable populations, we need resources that are culturally appropriate, sensitive and effective. Qualifying Vermonters who want to quit nicotine can now earn up to $250 in rewards by enrolling in 802Quits. You can refer patients for free counseling, quit medication, and more, or send a referral electronically during the appointment.

American Indian Patients
Traditionally, sacred tobacco plays an important role in many American Indian Tribes and can bring healing. However, a great many Indigenous people become addicted to commercial tobacco. Nationally, the death rate among American Indians due to tobacco is double that of other groups.
The American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program (AICTP) addresses an Indigenous and underserved population in our state. When you refer an American Indian patient to the 802Quits AICTP, they will benefit from a free, first-of-its-kind dedicated coaching program with native coaches providing a culturally sensitive protocol. Phone or Web-phone protocols are offered. This includes:
- 10 coaching calls with dedicated American Indian coaches
- 7 reset attempts for enrolled participants (reset the program in the event of relapse)
- 3 reset attempts for referrals
- NRT: their choice of patch, gum or lozenge for up to 8 weeks
Refer Your Patient
If your patient is ready to get started, you can refer them to :
- This dedicated toll-free number connects directly to AICTP coaches.
- 3 coaches take inbound calls for the AICTP Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 9 p.m. EST.
- Online enrollment available
- Additional cessation resources available, including educational materials, quit planning and quit progress tracking.
To learn more about the roles of traditional tobacco and other traditional medicines and ways of living, as well as reducing commercial tobacco-related illnesses and cancer disparities among American Indian populations, visit Keep It Sacred: National Native Network.

LGBTQ+ individuals smoke at a higher rate than heterosexual/straight individuals. They often have risk factors for smoking that include daily stress related to prejudice and stigma that they may face.
The Vermont Diversity Health Project exists to improve the health and wellness of LGBTQ Vermonters. It includes a statewide database where patients who are LGBTQ can find “queer-friendly” providers.
Refer Your Patient
If your patient is ready to get started, you can:
Or, you can send a referral electronically during the appointment.
Medicaid members and uninsured Vermonters who want to quit tobacco can now earn up to $150 by enrolling in 802Quits.

Medicaid And Uninsured Tobacco Cessation Benefits
In Vermont, low-income or disabled individuals up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level are covered by Medicaid. Vermont Medicaid covers tobacco treatment reimbursement for your practice as a preventive service. This includes:
- 16 face-to-face smoking cessation counseling sessions per year with an authorized health care professional (applies to in-person and telehealth sessions)
- 4 sessions of 802Quits individual, group and phone counseling
- All 7 FDA-approved smoking cessation medications including 24 weeks of Chantix® or Zyban®
- No limit on preferred quit medications including gum, patches and Nicorette® lozenges and up to 16 weeks of non-preferred quit medications at no cost to the member 2 quit attempts per year.
- No prior authorization for preferred treatments
- No co-pay
- Up to $150 for participating
These services are available to eligible Medicaid members of any age who use tobacco, including e-cigarettes. Qualifying patients must be Vermont residents age 18 or older. Eligibility will be determined upon enrollment. Some conditions apply.
Refer Your Patient
If your patient is ready to get started, you can:
Or, you can send a referral electronically during the appointment.

Help Pregnant Vermonters Quit
Knowing how to support your pregnant patients with quitting tobacco can be difficult. 1-800-QUIT-NOW has a special program for pregnant Vermonters who smoke or use other tobacco. Patients will work with a supportive Pregnancy Quit Coach during and after their pregnancy. The program includes:
- 9 calls with their own personal coach
- Free text messaging support
- Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy with a doctor’s prescription
- Up to $250 in gift cards while trying to quit during and after pregnancy
And now, eligible Vermont Medicaid members who use tobacco are covered for up to 16 face-to-face tobacco cessation counseling sessions per calendar year with an authorized health care professional. This benefit applies to telehealth sessions. Learn more and see a description of the codes available.
Refer Your Patient
If your patient is ready to get started, you can:
Or, you can send a referral electronically during the appointment.

Help Teen Patients Quit
My Life, My Quit™ is a free and confidential service for those ages 12-17 who want to quit vaping or other forms of tobacco. Many teens use more than one type of tobacco. My Life, My Quit provides:
- Access to tobacco cessation coaches with specialized training in adolescent tobacco treatment and prevention.
- Five, one-on-one coaching sessions. Coaching helps teens develop a quit plan, identify triggers, practice refusal skills and receive ongoing support for changing behaviors.
My Life, My Quit™ also offers resources for parents who want to take an active role in their child’s quit journey.
Download and print “My Life, My Quit” posters for your office or practice.
Refer Your Patient
If your patient is ready to get started, you can:
Or, you can send a referral electronically during the appointment.
Medicaid members and uninsured Vermonters who want to quit tobacco can now earn up to $150 by enrolling in 802Quits.

Help Young Adult Patients Quit
If your patient is between ages 18-24 and uses cigarettes, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, dip or hookah, 802Quits provides free tobacco treatment support by phone and online to help them quit. Increase your patient’s success of quitting byreferring them to 802Quits. The program includes:
- 5 coaching sessions by phone, live text or online chat
- Up to 8 weeks of patches, gum or lozenges
- Personalized educational materials
- Access to an evidence-based interactive online program with online chat to develop a quit plan
Refer Your Patient
If your patient is ready to get started, you can:
Or, you can send a referral electronically during the appointment.