
People With Disabilities

People with a physical, learning or mental health disability are more likely to smoke and vape than people without disabilities.

You face unique obstacles and quitting will be challenging–but with determination and support, you can do it. It is one of the best ways to lower stress and make it easier to manage other health conditions you may be experiencing.

Why Should You Quit Smoking?

  • BETTER control of medical conditions
  • IMPROVED mental health and quality of life
  • FEWER infections and faster healing times
  • EASIER to breath and fewer asthma attacks
  • KEEP your hearing and vision for longer

Ready To Quit?

Start your quit journey online with free tools and resources customized for you.

Enroll Online Now

Or call for tailored quit help with one-on-one coaching.

Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW

Nicotine replacement gum, patches and lozenges are free with enrollment.

Tawny’s Story

Medicaid benefits can help you quit smoking. Talk to your doctor for more information.